IPL treatments for photo rejuvenation

ILP Wrinkle Reduction Treatment

IPL treatments for rejuvenation can be used for the removal of sun damage, pigmentation, spider veins, open pores, acne, collagen and elastin stimulation. The term skin rejuvenation applies to any form of procedure that improves the texture and look of the skin, were as Photo rejuvenation means the use of light based therapy to induce these improvement.
All areas of the body are treatable.  Not only your face but you can treat you back, chest, arms, and legs for sun damage. Usually you will need about 3 treatments to get a great result for the removal of pigmentation.  But you will notice a difference after having just one treatment.  

ILP Roscea Treatment

Visible Wrinkle Reduction
IPL (Intensive Pulsed Light) can be used with great effect to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by softening and smoothing the skin and encouraging the production of natural collagen.

 ILP Wrinkle Reduction Treatment

What Causes Wrinkles?
Wrinkles are caused by the loss of collagen beneath the skin surface. Collagen is a basic building block of the skin and provides the foundation that supports your skin's structure. Overall, exposure to ultraviolet (referred to as UVA or UVB) radiation from sunlight accounts for about 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging, and most of these effects occur by age 20. Collagen is also damaged by other factors, including: the natural aging process, cigarette smoking, and air pollution.

When this happens, the skin appears thinner and becomes less elastic, resulting in facial lines, wrinkles, texture changes, and visible signs of aging. 

ILP Wrinkle Reduction Treatment

What is IPL Wrinkle Reduction?
Non-Invasive IPL Wrinkle Reduction is a revolutionary treatment that softens fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck and hands, and improves the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks. There is no recovery period associated with the treatment because the IPL bypasses the epidermis. Instead, the IPL targets the dermal layer beneath the skin's surface where it stimulates collagen production, thickens the dermis and raises depressed areas. 

ILP Acne Reduction Treatment

How Does IPL Wrinkle Reduction Work?
During a treatment, IPL energy is applied in a series of gentle pulses. Without damaging the surface, the IPL energy is absorbed by the dermal layer of skin tissue where it triggers a repair mechanism and begins to rebuild and replenish its own natural collagen. Results are achieved from the inside out! Skin will begin to look younger and softer as collagen is replenished beneath the surface.

ILP Acne Reduction Treatment

What Improvement Will I See After Treatment?
Patients have a high degree of satisfaction with their results. Many describe how wrinkles around the eyes and mouth have dramatically decreased. Improvement is achieved with a series of treatments resulting in collagen enhancement. During your consultation, you will be advised as to the number of treatments recommend to achieve your desired results. 

ILP Pigment Reduction Treatment

What is the Treatment Like?
IPL Wrinkle Reduction treatments are so quick and easy, you can be treated on your lunch hour. Clients typically experience minimal discomfort and see a blush in the treated area for an hour or so following the treatment. Best of all, there is no downtime. You can apply make-up immediately after the treatment and resume regular activities. 

ILP Tattoo  Reduction Treatment
How does the treatment work?
The light is attracted to the red capillary and also to the excess melanin in the sun damaged skin, this light is absorbed creating heat which destroys the capillary or breaks up the excess pigment. The body then absorbs the debris much in the same way it gets rid of a bruise. The light also stimulates the production of collagen in the area.

ILP Tattoo  Reduction Treatment

Is the treatment permanent?
With foto facial/ rejuvenation treatment you will normally achieve a good long-term improvement in your condition. Unfortunately because most of the conditions treated with foto facial/rejuvenation are directly affected by the natural ageing process we cannot stop the ageing process so occasional top ups are usually required approximately every 6-18 months depending on the individual.

ILP Tattoo  Reduction Treatment

How many treatments are necessary?
This will vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition but generally you will need a course of 3-5 treatments, with occasional top ups after that as described above.

What areas can be treated?
We can treat the face, neck, chest or all three sites together. We can also treat just individual areas of the face, for example, the nose and cheeks. We can also use this treatment to treat some spider veins on the legs.

Can all skin types be treated?
Because the light beam is absorbed well by melanin skin pigment, it is not usually possible to treat dark skinned people as they have a high risk of skin pigment change.

Are there any after effects following the treatment?
There is very little in the way of after effects following the treatment most people can return to work straight after treatment, although some people may have mild to moderate redness following the treatment and occasionally some people may gets some bruising. Redness will usually go in 1-2 hours but bruising may take 5-14 days to recover.

Is the treatment safe?
Yes. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the treatment can leas to skin disorders or an increased risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, every precaution has been taken to ensure the safety of the patient.